Saturday, September 26, 2020

What Would You Risk?

What would you risk to save the lives of dear ones? Christiana is willing to step into danger for her grandparents. They have reached the end of their allotted Length of Days. They will soon step through the portal into the never-ending-sleep. Grand-mere and Grand-pere are closer to her than her own parents. She knows what she must do. 

Christy's life changes when she reads the note from Silas Drummond. Maybe it's because she started the detoxification process that releases her emotions, held captive by the drugged water supply. But then, she is privileged. Only the ruling elite, and those who will one day ascend to the Counsil of Twelve, receive the detox pills. What good will all of her awareness and ability to love more deeply be if she remains silent and loses the object of her love?

Are you willing to stand up for a cause bigger than your own self-absorbed life? Granted, Silas nearly stalks Christy, attempting to get her attention. No-one is to approach a Legacy Citizen, in line for a seat on the Counsil. Of all people, brave is not a word that describes Silas. Withdrawn and frightened, he still speaks to Christiana. Silas risks his own life, to break the silence and reveal the atrocites under Howard Mountain.

The time is now. Christy will also not remail silent. She will make her voice heard. She will stop the madness before the time is up.

The greatest generation was admirable because they met the challenge. In 2112, Christy finds a reason for her life and speaks out. She is determined to meet the chalenge. What cause do you live for?

Doris Gaines Rapp

Copyright 2020 Doris Gaines Rapp

Length of Days Trilogy available at,, and other online booksellers for preorder. Publishing date Tuesday, 9/29/2020.

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